
I have been thinking about time a lot recently and how we spend it.  Are you always wishing away today for what you think may be a better tomorrow?  Just trying to “get through the summer until the kids can go back to school” or trying to get to that next event on the calendar or to-do list?  Do you ever just stop and enjoy the moment and the time you are in.

We have spent the better part of the past weeks just trying to make it through one thing just to get on to the next.  Getting the girls ready for camp- dropping off, picking up, packing and unpacking.  Did we take enough time just enjoying the process at least? If you asked LOML, he would say I probably didn’t.  He is much better about taking time with the kids to soak up all of those “special moments”.

However, I DID take some time about two weeks ago to “soak it up” with my girls with our first ( of I hope many) girls’ trips.  On July 23rd (after a tense week of baton and ballet camp:)) the girls and I headed off to Boston, Mass for a five day get-away.  Now, this is not usually my style.  LOML is the more experienced traveler and is more of a planner about this kinda stuff.  However, I think I did pretty darn good for my first time out.

I have to say, that there were several moments where we were just laughing out loud so much so that we got a few crooked looks.  But I didn’t care!  I was having a blast with my girls!  I plan to blog about various aspects of the trip and Boston itself when I get around to uploading those pics on here, but I do recommend first and foremost taking time to laugh with your kids.   It’s the best medicine for sure and no one can make you laugh like your kids-well, at least that’s how it goes in my house.  If your kids are boring and not funny at all, let me know and I’ll send my crew over.  Happy Monday friends-I sure have missed you!