

unnamedWhen Ivy was six months old we found out we were having another baby.  The first 5-6 years were a blur.  Who am I kidding, the past 16 years has been a blur.  Having two in diapers and two in baby beds- and yet on completely different schedules was nuts.   I was nuts.  I am probably still nuts to a certain degree.  Right now they are at the top of these stairs in Ivy’s room discussing their day.  The door is shut and they are in deep conversation.  I know this because I went up there wanting to join in like every cool mom does…ahem….and of course they totally want to share EVERY detail of their day with me, right?

Immediately as I  came through the door they changed the conversation (and not too smoothly I might add- I will need to text them and tell them to work on that)  I’m no dummy, whatever they were talking about was serious like boys or friends or perhaps how cool I am.  I slowly back out (because I just know they are going to beg me to come back so they can invite me into the inner sanctum) and get about three steps away before I hear them dive right back into their conversation- no call back.  (I also need to text them and tell them they need to check outside before continuing conversation if they don’t want me to hear- amateurs.)  The stalker mom in me thought about lingering outside to see if I could get any scoop, but alas I heard that voice in my head that said “keep moving big mama”.  A slight pause and grasping of my chest-ugh, this is hard.  The whole growing up scene where they are going to have conversations with each other that do NOT in anyway include me (insert frowny face emoji).  Man, I would love to go back and change one dirty diaper or find one more week old milk sippy cup in the back of the car-that’s how desperate it gets some days people.  It’s like watching a movie while holding down the fast forward button.  I wish I could DVR my kids.

IMG_0909 However, as hard as the “growing up” thing is-it’s pretty cool seeing the relationship these two have and knowing they will be there for each other.

IMG_0239They do love each other and I couldn’t ask for more than that.


(#momsofsistersruletoo-Using # is also a thing the really cool moms do-just saying.)